Facing Fear
Thirty, flirty and thriving takes a twist on this podcast with host, Sara McInerney Hauck. This podcast features solo and guest episodes about unapologetically authentically facing fear, in whatever form that comes. Your host is a facing fear guru and recent cancer survivor on a mission to encourage you to face fear alongside her. You'll laugh, cry and be alongside her and a community of those facing fear in everyday life and beyond!
Facing Fear
Turning 31 When Cancer Took Over My 30th Year
Today is my 31st birthday, and looking back over my 30th year, I have some thoughts to share. Thanks for your patience as I slowly return to this passion of mine after chemo quite literally knocked me out. I love you, my listeners, friends and family.
If you'd like to send me a card/gift, I ask that you consider the following instead...
Donate to IWIN Foundation in my honor - a local organization that I've benefitted from that's treated me nothing short of a cancer/chemo princess. http://www.iwinfoundation.org/
Support my #FckCancerFriday fun with my favorite place, Panera Bread, by purchasing me a gift card (they are 30% off right now)!! You can mail me a gift card or email me one DM me for addresses.
- CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merch
- Subscribe to the monthly newsletter at facingfearwithsara.com
- Instagram - @facingfearwithsara, @saramcinerneyhauck
- TikTok - @facingfearwithsara
- Facebook - @facingfearwithsara
- Website - facingfearwithsara.com
- YouTube - Sara McInerney Hauck
- Email - hello@facingfearwithsara.com