Facing Fear
Thirty, flirty and thriving takes a twist on this podcast with host, Sara McInerney Hauck. This podcast features solo and guest episodes about unapologetically authentically facing fear, in whatever form that comes. Your host is a facing fear guru and recent cancer survivor on a mission to encourage you to face fear alongside her. You'll laugh, cry and be alongside her and a community of those facing fear in everyday life and beyond!
Facing Fear
Aging Through the Decades - From the Vault (Viviana Soto | Life Whispers Podcast Host)
This episode was originally recorded one year ago with one of my dearest podcast BFF's, Viviana. I'm bringing it out of the vault because we talk about a topic I've thought about soooo much since my cancer diagnosis, aging. We get older whether we like it or not, so how can we live life to the fullest throughout the many decades we're (hopefully) given? Viviana shares what she learned after interviewing one individual from each decade, that's right, she hosted guests from 7-years-old to an individual in their 90's!
Listening back to this feel good episode made me realize how much I've changed in a year, and how special Viviana is to me as a friend and fellow podcast side hustler!
- PODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merch
- CATCH UP ON MY CANCER JOURNEY: facingfearwithsara.com/episodes
- With the guest, @vivianapsc28, @lifewhispers, lifewhispers.com
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- Facebook - @facingfearwithsara
- Website - facingfearwithsara.com
- YouTube - Sara McInerney Hauck
- Email - hello@facingfearwithsara.com