Facing Fear
Thirty, flirty and thriving takes a twist on this podcast with host, Sara McInerney Hauck. This podcast features solo and guest episodes about unapologetically authentically facing fear, in whatever form that comes. Your host is a facing fear guru and recent cancer survivor on a mission to encourage you to face fear alongside her. You'll laugh, cry and be alongside her and a community of those facing fear in everyday life and beyond!
Facing Fear
My Mom Fought Cancer for Me... 20 Years Ago (Special Guest, My Mom!)
When I was waiting to find out if I had cancer, my life flashed before me and a specific memory stuck out. It was 20 years ago, when I was 10 years old. I watched in downtown Chicago as my mom finished walking 60 miles after three days of camping out and raising thousands of dollars for breast cancer research. As I watched that memory play out in my head, I thought, f*ck, I am going to have breast cancer. This was actually meant to be. Touché, God.
My mom is my number one fan, cheerleader, supporter and best friend. She's been there for me my entire 29 years, and in my 30th year of life, she showed up exactly when I needed her. Together, we've fought my breast cancer battle for one year. On this episode, we reflect on the past year, her connection to breast cancer and how in the world she trained for a 60-mile race while having four kids under 10 years old.
She's a superhero, who just happens to double as my mom.
- PODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merch
- CATCH UP ON MY CANCER JOURNEY: facingfearwithsara.com/episodes
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- Website - facingfearwithsara.com
- YouTube - Sara McInerney Hauck
- Email - hello@facingfearwithsara.com