Facing Fear
Thirty, flirty and thriving takes a twist on this podcast with host, Sara McInerney Hauck. This podcast features solo and guest episodes about unapologetically authentically facing fear, in whatever form that comes. Your host is a facing fear guru and recent cancer survivor on a mission to encourage you to face fear alongside her. You'll laugh, cry and be alongside her and a community of those facing fear in everyday life and beyond!
Facing Fear
Peace Out Chemo & Radiation, Hello Ringing THEEE Bell
I finally recap all 15 of my chemotherapy sessions including my mental health struggles and improvements, what it's like being on anti-anxiety and depression medication and my last infusion themed, "Peace Out Chemo."
On the other hand, radiation was extremely easy for me. Even though I had to go the cancer center Monday-Friday for 25 sessions in a row, each appointment only took 15 minutes, and lucky me, I never burned once!
- PODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merch
- CATCH UP ON MY CANCER JOURNEY: facingfearwithsara.com/episodes
- With the guest, @chancecolleen
- Subscribe to the monthly newsletter at facingfearwithsara.com
- Instagram - @facingfearwithsara, @saramcinerneyhauck
- TikTok - @facingfearwithsara
- Facebook - @facingfearwithsara
- Website - facingfearwithsara.com
- YouTube - Sara McInerney Hauck
- Email - hello@facingfearwithsara.com